At the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace, we invite Girl Scouts to discover the unconventional life of Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low, the daughter, debutante, wife, adventurer, and artist who became the first Girl Scout. Together, your troop will explore Juliette Gordon Low’s girlhood home, play one of her favorite parlor games, and look closely at how she challenged expectations for women in her day to become a confident leader.
- The Girl Scout Troop Experience must be booked at least a month in advance.
- Reservations become available to book six months out.
- The total cost for the Girl Scout Troop Experience is $28 per person.
- To register, your group must have at least eight participants, including at least one adult.
- Girls must currently be registered as Girl Scout Daisies - Ambassadors.
- Groups of any size may be split if necessary.